RYP Branding

Rwanda Youth Partnership is a non profit that works to raise money in the USA for the kids in Rwanda. Their goal is to give the youth of Rwanda a better life. Working as the leader of a design team, I helped create a logo for the Rwanda Youth Partnership as well as a logo for their partners RunganoNdota. I also worked to create a handout as well as help design their emails.

RYP logo name tagline-scaled.png

Both the logo for RYP and the handout were inspired by Rwandan culture. The inspiration came from the woven, handmade baskets that are made. We also added bright colors to represent the colors within

the clothing.


RYP’s partners Rungano-Ndota had an update to their logo that I personally did. Now it is legible, colorful, more modern, but still has a fun feel to it.


White Horse Stables Branding


Objekt Magazine